OverDrive Teen eReading Room
An eReading Room for Teens!
YALSA Teen Book Finder
Novelist is a comprehensive readers’ advisory resource for fiction and nonfiction which will help adults answer the question of what to read next.
Teen Reads is the place to go to find news and reviews on the latest releases in young adult literature.
YALSA Book Awards & Selected Booklists for Teens
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), features several recommended titles for both the avid and reluctant teen reader, ages 12-18. Parents, caregivers, librarians, and educators can use these lists to find good books for teens. While these books have been selected for teens ages 12-18, they span a broad range of reading and maturity levels. Adults are encouraged to take an active role in helping individual teens choose books that are the best fit for them and their families.