Olean City Directory

*This project was funded through a member project grant from the Regional Bibliographic Data Bases and Interlibrary Resources Sharing Program (RBDB) awarded to the Western New York Library Resources Council by the New York State Education Department.
Click here to view Sandpumpings at New York Heritage Digital Collections
The NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York’s unique history. The earliest newspapers in the library’s collection have been digitized and uploaded to the NYS Historic Newspaper website as a result of funding from the Regional Bibliographic Data Bases and Interlibrary Resources Sharing Program (RBDB) awarded to the Western New York Library Resources Council by the New York State Education Department. Digitizing and providing online access to these newspapers allows patrons from all over the world to freely access this information.
The Olean Newspapers currently available are:
When citing a newspaper article from the NYSHN Project it is recommended that you use standard APA format for a newspaper article, with the addition of the retrieved URL.
The basic format is as follows: Author, A. A. (Year, Month Day). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from http://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/REST-OF-URL.
An example would be: Sackett, H. (2007, December 29-30). Cape Cod-based airline wants to fly here. Adirondack Daily Enterprise. Retrieved from http://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86033360/2007-12-29/ed-1/seq-1/.

- Allegany Cemetery
- B’Nai Israel Cemetery
- Chestnut Hill Cemetery
- Five Mile Cemetery
- Mount View Cemetery
- Pleasant Valley Cemetery
- St. Bonaventure Cemetery
Photo of Allegany Cemetery by Mary E. Bryant.
Ancestry Library Edition
Ancestry.com New York
Several New York repositories have formed a partnership with Ancestry.com to digitize family history records and make them available online for free.
Buffalo & Erie County Public Library
Links to genealogy resources.
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet
A directory of genealogical resources.
Online birth, marriage, death, census, church records and other indexes.
A free resource for finding the final resting places of famous people, family and friends.
National Archives
Resources for genealogists.
New York Heritage
Online New York State history resources. Includes some city directories, newspapers, maps, scrapbooks, and yearbooks.
New York State Archives
Indexes to vital records, war service, land records, court records, and records of some correctional and custodial institutions.
Painted Hills
Online genealogy society for local counties. Includes cemetery listings, census records, veteran information and local history.
Social Security Death Index
Death records of persons who possessed Social Security numbers, generated from the U.S. Social Security Administrations Death Master File. Also available at Ancestry.com.
USGenWeb Project
Includes query boards, listings of local sources for records, county and state histories, online genealogy books, research tips, maps, and links to helpful internet resources.
Historical Societies:
Cattaraugus County Historical Museum and Research Center
City of Olean Bartlett House and Olean Point Museum
Cattaraugus County Historians
Chautauqua County Historians
Digital Archives of the Allegany Public Library
Allegany Citizen newspapers 1896-1976.
Fulton History
Historical newspapers from New York State.
New York State Historic Newspapers
Free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York’s unique history. Olean newspapers are available here (1881-1909).
Inclusion of a link does not constitute any endorsement by the Olean Public Library. We are not responsible for information beyond our own site and cannot guarantee the accuracy of information on linked sites.