Video Surveillance

  • The Olean Public Library strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for its staff and patrons. The use of surveillance cameras helps to protect the library’s property against theft or vandalism and can assist in identifying intruders and persons breaking the law or violating the library’s Rules of Conduct.
  • In recognition of this objective, all entrance and exits and selected public areas of the library premises are equipped with video cameras that are recording at all times. For the safety of the library patron signage is posted at the library entrance stating that the library has video surveillance cameras.
  • The library’s video security system shall be used only for the protection and safety of patrons, employees, assets and property. No audio will be recorded. Reasonable efforts shall be made to safeguard the privacy of patrons and employees. Video cameras shall not be positioned in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of personal privacy such as restrooms and employee break areas. Surveillance cameras are not positioned to identify a person’s reading, viewing or listening activities in the library.
  • With the exception of records retained for criminal, safety, or security investigations or evidentiary purposes, the Library will not maintain a copy of recordings for longer than the recording system’s cycle of 30 days. Video recordings and photos obtained through the video monitoring system will be released as necessary and in accordance with applicable laws, such as in response to search warrants, court orders, requests by the police for an active investigation, or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect or destruction of evidence.
  • Both the recorders and recorded data are housed in a limited access area. The Library Director and Assistant Director may have remote access via the library’s LAN to live feeds in order to monitor activity at the library when necessary.
  • Recorded information from security cameras may be retained for one month, unless an incident occurs that requires holding the tape longer. In the event of a reported or observed incident, the recorded information may be used to assist in the investigation of the incident. The library will maintain control of and responsibility for the video security surveillance equipment at all times.
  • With the exception of requests by law enforcement agencies, all formal requests for video records should be directed to the Olean Public Library Director or Assistant Director.