- A group or individual wishing to conduct a survey or petition in the Library must first receive permission from the Information Desk Personnel or the Library Director. Surveys and petitions will be initialed and dated by authorizing Library personnel.
- Questions may not violate any of the Rules Governing the Use of the Library.
- Surveys and petitions must clearly state the name, contact address or telephone number of the group or individual collecting the data.
- Surveys and petitions may be placed for a maximum of thirty days. Extension may be granted at the discretion of the Library Director.
- Surveys and petitions must be picked up from the Information Desk within five days after last day of data collection.
- Surveys and petitions will be placed on the top of video shelving or other convenient location as space allows.
- Surveys and petitions will not be placed in multiple locations in the Library.
- Agreement by the Library to allow a survey or a petition does not constitute an endorsement of its content.
—Adopted September 19, 2001