Literature Distribution

  • Literature for distribution may promote non-profit civic, cultural, educational, recreational and charitable organizations and events.
  • Literature may not be for personal or commercial advertisements.
  • Distribution of literature and materials by the library does not indicate endorsement of issues, events, or services promoted by those materials.
  • Literature for distribution must be approved by Information Desk Personnel or Library Director. Library personnel will place items in area designated for free literature distribution.
  • Items left without permission will be removed and discarded. No materials are to be left on the floor.
  • The Library can not accept display racks that accompany materials.
  • Literature may be distributed for as long as valid or as space limitations occur. If space becomes limited preference will be given to events of a timely nature. Up to 100 items, or as space allows, may be distributed during any calendar month. The library can not return any undistributed materials.
  • Literature promoting library services, programs, and library sponsored events may be distributed in other locations throughout the library.
  • Literature related to political campaigns may be distributed thirty days before the election.

—Adopted March 16, 2004